FAQ: The Resource Connector
Who can apply for funding through the Resource Connector?
All applicants must be an eligible 501(c)(3) public benefit organization based in Oregon or Southwest Washington.
How much can a nonprofit apply for?
Funding requests can range from $500 up to $20,000.
How many requests may nonprofits submit during each cycle?
Each organization may only submit one request per cycle.
What if I’ve already submitted a request during Phase 1?
You are eligible to submit a new request regardless of whether or not your previous request was funded. You may log in to your previously registered account and update the information in your profile. This is required as some of the questions have changed. However, you will not have access to your previous request.
Can a nonprofit apply for funding for any type of project?
Yes. The Resource Connector was originally created as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it has become a useful grantmaking tool that utilizes a simple, universal application and encourages collaboration between funders to meet nonprofit requests of all kinds. Nonprofits can make requests that are based on their current mission-based work or they can make requests that are related to COVID-19, racial/social injustice, and issues related to the regional wildfires.
Will all projects receive funding?
A request does not automatically result in funding and connecting through the Resource Connector in no way commits participating nonprofits nor funders to receive/give funds. Staff from interested funders may directly connect with nonprofits for additional information about funding requests if necessary.
What is the process for receiving funding in the Resource Connector?
Funders will review requests and determine which request(s) they may be interested in funding. Please note that a Funder may require additional documentation and/or time to complete their due diligence prior to funding requests presented through the Resource Connector. When a request is funded, the nonprofit will be notified directly by the Funder. Nonprofits who have received full funding will be removed from the Resource Connector and are ineligible for additional funding until the next cycle. If a nonprofit receives funding for a portion of their request, they will remain in the Resource Connector and will be eligible for other funding in order to complete their request. Receipt of partial funding is not a guarantee that the current funder or any other funder will complete this request. Please note that it is likely that the number of requests received from nonprofits may outweigh the available funding resources.
Are funders allowed to give more money even if it exceeds the request?
Absolutely. The amount a funder gives is to their discretion. Funders will reach out to a nonprofit directly if they want to make a contribution of any amount.
What should nonprofits consider when submitting a request?
Nonprofits should be themselves, and share their stories based on what they value and what resources they need for their project. The most important thing that we suggest is that nonprofits remain realistic in their requests. Nonprofits may be inclined to go BIG whenever possible, especially when resources are scarce. The reality is that there are a small number of funders who can support a $20,000 request on their own. But there are A LOT more funders who can fund a $2,000, $5,000 or $10,000 request. Our best advice: Be clear. Be concise. Be realistic. And be you.
Can a nonprofit receive funding from more than one funder?
Yes absolutely! It is the unique advantage of the Resource Connector. It is possible that a nonprofit may receive resources from more than one funder in order to completely fulfill a request. In fact, we hope that happens because we believe collaboration increases the likelihood that a nonprofit will receive full funding. The Resource Connector encourages partnership between funders in order to support nonprofit requests. Ultimately, we hope that nonprofits can find some level of support for their projects by applying through the Resource Connector. In order to help make that happen, we are encouraging funders to team up, partner, and share the costs whenever they can to help meet nonprofit requests.
What is the timeline for this phase of the Resource Connector pilot?
Nonprofit registrations and new requests are not being accepted at this time. For more information, please contact info@gosw.org.